A Whitepaper in the form of a wiki: Sharing Open Educational Practices through an Open Educational Resource

Präsentation in Englisch, Fragen und Austausch auch in Deutsch und Französisch möglich / Présentation en anglais, questions et échange également possible en français et en allemand

About the presentation:

Open Education (OE) is an umbrella term organised around values of sharing, traceability, respect, liberty, equal access, agency, justice and empowerment. It aims at broadening knowledge and making it more accessible by encouraging participatory approaches and removing barriers. It relies on group and community capacities, and invites learners to have “an active, constructive engagement with content, tools and services” (Geser, 2007, p. 37), fostering self-management, creativity and teamwork. While higher education institutions are increasingly adopting Open Science following UNESCO recommendations (1999, 2018, 2021), leveraging Open Education still affords deeper engagement through widespread collaboration. Our multinational team is creating a whitepaper around Open Educational Practices (OEP) to foster the adoption of an open culture across scholars’ and learners’ communities.

Using a transcontinental collaborative approach, we are in the process of designing a whitepaper aimed at scholars interested in teaching beyond academic boundaries, in an open ecosystem, i.e. cross-fertilisation of knowledge commons, Open Science, Open Data, Open Library, Open culture, Citizen’s science, Open source software and hardware.
Adopting means aligned with our values, we use a multilingual, libre and open-source MediaWiki to foster open collaboration around this endeavour and conceive the whitepaper as an Open Education Resource (OER), https://houseofcommons.ch/wiki/index.php?title=Open_Education

The team starts with a majority of higher education, French-speaking scholars from Switzerland, Canada and Cameroon with a clear intention to broaden collaboration across languages and regions.

Building on our field experience, we aim to find contextual answers to questions such as: How might we find common ground on what qualifies as Open Educational Practices? How can we open learning to a diversity of knowledge systems? How can we link constructivism, cognitivism, connectivism, and learning experience design with the help of our pedagogical backgrounds? What is required to contribute to, and maintain OER and other Knowledge Commons?
Several obstacles prevent the use of OEP: discoverability, accessibility, and sustainability of OER (Luo et al., 2019). In addition, the transition from restrictive practices to open-ended practices depends on the threshold phase of integration and reconstruction (Tur et al., 2020). To overcome this phase, we involve scholars as full-fledged wiki stakeholders and aim for the multiplication effect of open practices, sharing experiences with OE, OER and OEP. In doing so, we put together our shared understanding of open ecosystems and then focus primarily on open practices and their practical implementations. Through the multinational team, local and national contexts are considered. Students’ assignments can contribute to this effort, adding learners’ perspective in a purposeful way to promote creativity, deep learning and sustainable resources (Clinton-Lisell, 2021; Werth and Williams, 2021). OERs are improved, adapted, translated through publicly-shared tasks that gain value over time, cohorts, and across languages (Wiley & Hilton, 2018) and this whitepaper is itself conceived as an OER.

Bittner, H., Herbstreit, M., Krause, N., & Lehmann, C. (2018). MOIN. Projects of the BMBF-funding
OERinfo 2017/2018. Special volume of the journal Synergie, 88–95. Retrieved from
Geser, G., Ed. (2007). Open educational practices and resources: OLCOS roadmap 2012. Salzburg, Austria: Salzburg Research & EduMedia Group. Retrieved from http://www.olcos.org/cms/upload/docs/olcos_roadmap.pdf
Luo, T., Hostetler, K., Freeman, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2019). The power of open : benefits, barriers, and strategies for integration of open educational resources. Open Learning : The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 35(2), 140‑158. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680513.2019.1677222
Clinton-Lisell, V. (2021, 07/19). Open Pedagogy: A Systematic Review of Empirical Findings. Journal of Learning for Development, 8(2), 255-268. https://jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d/article/view/511
Cronin, C. M. G. et Maclaren, I. (2018). Conceptualising OEP: A review of theoretical and empirical literature in Open Educational Practices. Open Praxis, 10, 127-143.
Hegarty, B. (2015). Attributes of open pedagogy: A model for using open educational resources. Educational Technology, LV, 3-12.
Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., Creely, E. et Henderson, M. (2021, 2021/07/01). The Role of Creative Risk Taking and Productive Failure in Education and Technology Futures. TechTrends, 65(4), 602-605. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-021-00622-8
Meyer, J., Land, R. et Baillie, C. (2010). Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning (vol. 42). Sense Publishers.
Tur, G., Havemann, L., Marsh, D., Keefer, J. M. et Nascimbeni, F. (2020, 03/09). Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework. Research in Learning Technology, 28(0). https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v28.2338
Werth, E. et Williams, K. (2021). What Motivates Students About Open Pedagogy? Motivational Regulation Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 22(3).
Wiley, D. et Hilton, J. L. (2018). Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v19i4.3601


Alex Enkerli is a Technopedagogical Advisor at Collecto, where he helps learning professionals make technology appropriate for their contexts, just like he did as a technopédagogue for Vitrine technologie-éducation from 2014 to 2016. Alex comes back to this role after a stint in Ottawa (creating cybersecurity learning pathways and a Massively Open and Nimble Online Collaborative Learning Experience on Public Engagement in partnership with CSPS, #Learn4PE), and in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean to conduct participatory-action research at COlab.

Sandrine Favre is a doctoral student and scientific collaborator at the University of Teacher Education in Bern, Switzerland. She is currently working in several working groups on Open Education, including the implementation of an OER Policy within the institution and the Digital Skills Academy project. https://d-skills.ch/

Fabio Balli mobilises teams for creation-as-research initiatives based on solidarity, subjectivity and creativity. He authors a research notebook on how open science can foster French-speaking research in Canada (https://sciencesouvertes.hypotheses.org). Fabio does research on health commons and collective law-making, at Concordia University (Montreal) and IUC Turin. https://www.fabioballi.net

Barbara Class is researcher and senior lecturer at TECFA, the educational technology unit of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Geneva. Collaborating with Daniel Schneider for more than 20 years paved the way to her current activities in Open Education. More information available from https://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/class/

Denis Gillet leads the Interaction Systems Group (REACT) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). He is a board member of the EPFL Center for Learning Sciences and the President of the Swiss EdTech Collider, an incubator for startups in educational technologies. He is currently leading the Swiss Digital Skills Academy, an national initiative to promote open educational resources and platforms (https://d-skills.ch/).

Guillaume Tschupp is a lecturer at the Haute Ecole Pédagogique du Valais for teacher training. He teaches e-learning, digital education, media education and educational robotics. He is also in charge of e-learning support for the institution and its collaborators. Open education is at the heart of his activity.

Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou is a professor at the "Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication" (ESSTIC) of the University of Yaoundé II in Cameroon. His work focuses on open science, social innovation, peer production and digital humanities.

Michele Notari is Professor in technology enhanced learning at the University of Teacher Education in Bern Switzerland and the University of Hong Kong. His re-search area is computer supported collaborative learning, technology enhanced project-based learning, wearable computing, learning using Computer mediated reality and learning design fostering the 21st Century Skills.

Target group:

  • Lehrpersonen und Dozierende an Hochschulen
  • Studierende an Hochschulen